Turner Payne 300x300 300dpi Auto Tone

Christian. Writer. Christian Writer.

Hello, I'm Turner Payne.

All writers write for similar but very unique and personal reasons. For me, here's why I do it:

First of all, there are words in my head that I feel compelled to get out. To be frank, I'm not sure if that's because they demand to be released from my internal "word prison" or if I'm drawn to release them in hopes that someone will find them helpful or entertaining. To be certain, I'm like most other writers in one respect... I want people to read the words I write and I want the words I write to have meaning to those that read them.

The writing process itself is something I enjoy. Sometimes, the words come out effortlessly while at other times, it's like pulling teeth to get them through the keyboard. In the end, they eventually do come out, get polished up a bit, and then I publish them.

Secondly, and more importantly, I see my ability to write as a God-given gift and one that I'm called to use. As such, I write to glorify God, the giver of all things, and to share the Good News of His son, Jesus Christ.

Third, I suppose I should mention this one... Money. Yeah, that's not one of them. After all, how many rich writers do you know? 🙂

I write...


My fiction writing is centered around the belief that God can do anything He pleases. Things like miracles and supernatural occurrences are common within my fiction writing because to me, it's not fiction at all. It's simply what God can do in the middle of any story.

From a story standpoint, my fiction involves a Christian main character who is undergoing a crisis of some kind, most often imposed by their own doing. All the while, The Evil One lurks in the background, manipulating events in his favor and to the chagrin of the main characters. SPOILER ALERT... In the end, God wins.

Click to see my fiction writing.

Non-Fiction (Daily Devotionals / Bible Scripture Commentary)

As opposed to my fiction writing, non-fiction provides me the opportunity to communicate with my readers more frequently. In addition, I get my "publishing fix" more often than writing fiction. Take for instance my Tiny Words. Big Life. blog; There, I write and publish daily. Not only does it provide my readers with fresh content from their favorite author, 🙂 but it encourages my own spirit in a way that makes my life that much better.

If you haven't done so, I invite you to visit my blog and read a few posts while contemplating the message related to the Bible verse-of-the-day.

Click to see my non-fiction writing.

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