Take comfort in the mundane monotony of the middle ground for the peaks and valleys are home to selfishness, jealousy, blame, and anger.

Have you ever heard the saying “Shoot for the stars!”? Probably so… and there’s nothing wrong with striving for excellence. In fact, it’s a goal that would serve us well in most everything we do in life. Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. post is not saying anything to the contrary. We’re talking about how we…

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It only makes sense to say something that you don’t mean when the meaning of what you say makes no sense.

Sometimes, Tiny Words are hard to understand. This one; however, isn’t one of those. Words should always have meaning. Once spoken, words don’t disappear. They live in the memories of those that heard them. You can’t take them back. Does that mean you shouldn’t say things that would be considered “frivolous” or “lighthearted”? Indeed not……

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