A blessed life is a beautiful painting that begins on an empty canvas and ends as a masterpiece hanging in the hallowed halls of heaven.

We may not think of our life as a beautiful painting very often. There’s all those warts and festering issues we have. Some of those were put there by others but for the most part, those are self-imposed.

So what does God and Rembrandt have in common?

They both possess the miraculous ability to look at a blank canvas and see something beautiful.

Such vision is foreign to me. I tend to see the blank canvas. To make matters worse, sometimes I don’t even see that. I see a messed up canvas incapable of containing something beautiful, before I even start the picture. But not to digress…

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. recommendation is to use your imagination. Close your eyes (after you read the rest of the post) and imagine you’re a painter. In front of you is a brand new canvas stretched out over an easel, waiting to become something magnificent. In your hand, you hold a brush. Since you just started, it’s dry. There’s no paint on it at all. Below the easel is a tray filled with the most spectacular colors, each one unique in its own way and ready to fill the canvas.

With your eyes still closed, think of the most beautiful scene you’ve ever experienced or can imagine. It might be a waterfall on a mountain stream or a majestic sunset over an empty beach that you have all to yourself. Whatever it might be, it’s an image you created in your mind and it’s perfect.

Now, open your eyes. There in front of you is that same blank canvas. In your mind, you can still see the beautiful setting you just imagined.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse, King Solomon writes about God’s creation and the beauty of what He has done. Through His son, Jesus Christ, we can become more talented than a million Rembrandts. We can become spotless… perfect–worthy of a painting that can hang in the hallowed halls of Heaven.

Do you get where this is going? Your life is the canvas. You’re the artist. The things you do and say are the colors you use and Jesus is the master painter who will show you how.

But no one can paint the picture but you. And do not fret, for those washed in the blood of Jesus, the paint is not permanent. When you make a mistake, he’ll wash it all away and you’ll be as good as new.

One final thought… God sees us as Rembrandts, not someone who can’t draw a stick man (like this ‘ole blogmeister.)

Praise Him for His 20/20 vision, grace, and forgiveness.

Ecclesiastes 3 : 11

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.