Your word is only as good as your commitment to keep it.

Have you ever thought that it’s as important to treat others in the same way that you would treat God?

Is that what the apostle Paul is saying in today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse?

I think it is.

When was the last time that someone told you that they’d do something and then they never followed through? How did that make you feel? More importantly, what conclusions about that person’s reliability did you draw from that experience? It probably wasn’t good.

One of the most critical aspects of being honorable is keeping your word. There are many words that coordinate with the concept of being honorable. Trustworthy, reliable, and faithful are among them. Are these words that you’d like to be associated with?

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. recommendation is simple. If you tell someone you’ll do something, do it. If you promise to pay for something at a later date (like a car loan), pay it. Of course, there are always reasons that can prevent us from doing what we say we’re going to do, but in those cases, a second Tiny Words. Big Life. recommendation is to contact that person in advance and let them know. It’s just common decency, not to mention the best way to maintain your honor in the eyes of that person.

Speaking of eyes, remember that God is watching. He cares about how we treat our fellow brothers and sisters, regardless of their religious beliefs.

One more thing, taking care of your honor is an excellent way to care for your spiritual health. Being faithful to others spills over into faithfulness to God. So, be honorable with people and God.

In the end, you’ll be honored by God through the promises He made.

2 Corinthians 8 : 21

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.