On your birthday, don’t look at the clock and fret the ticks that are gone but rather embrace the ticks that are left.

2 Corinthians 4:16

Birthdays are a double-edged sword.

While we love the cake and ice-cream, the sobering thought that we’re one year older is a stark reminder of our mortality.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. quote was written for my daughter, whose birthday is today. It was my birthday wish for her, and always will be, to look forward to the life ahead as opposed to looking back at the life that’s passed.

Now that I’ve got my “Happy Birthday!” out of the way, let’s get back to the aging process.

As we age, the voice inside our head seems to get louder and louder. And many of us listen very closely.

I’m reminded of the story of Ponce De Leon, who for many years, wandered around in Florida, close to what is now present day St. Augustine, in search of the Fountain of Youth. According to the legend, it was an enchanted place of mythical beauty with magical pools of water that upon immersing yourself, you’d live forever. While we understand the lure of such a place, a Google search tells us that no such place exists. 🙂

But, can you imagine what we’d think of someone who did that today?

Or, do people still do that today?

Anti-aging creams, vitamins, exercise, Botox, plastic surgery… Regardless of our approach to defy the aging process, most of us are searching for that magical thing to turn back time.

While there’s generally nothing wrong with trying to look younger, it does nothing to prevent the inevitable.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse, we find the Apostle Paul writing to the Christians in Corinth, encouraging them to keep the faith. At the time, there was some dissention within the church, prompted by false teachers who were challenging Paul’s apostolic authority and leadership. In other words, he was getting bad reviews.

In his letter, Paul is reminding the church in Corinth that the Fountain of Youth is found in living a life of sacrifice for the sake of Jesus Christ, who continually renews our spirit in advance of our eternal glory with Him.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray for the renewal of your mind and the strengthening of your commitment to God. Pray to focus on your spiritual aging, as opposed to an overly obsessive compulsion to reduce the physical effect of our aging bodies.

Again, this Blogmeister is not suggesting that making an effort to stave off the aging process is a bad thing – like many things of this world, it depends on how much importance you place on it.

Always remember, keep the main thing the main thing. Don’t sell your soul to a temporary Fountain of Youth in a jar when the permanent Fountain of Youth can be found on The Cross.

2 Corinthians 4:16

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.