We have no control over who we are at birth however we have total control over who we are at death.

1 Corinthians 10:13

For most of us, control is the first thing we want and the last thing we’ll give up.


Because without it, we feel exposed. We’re out there just floating on the whims of something or someone else. We don’t like it – not one bit.

Because we love control. It gives us space to do what we want, when we want, and how we want.

Take any of that away and we are not happy campers.

That’s what happened when you were born.

We don’t have a say in who our parents are and the circumstances that we’re being born into. It’s just there and we’re plopped down (sometimes literally) into the middle of it. It’s sorta like a “sink or swim” proposition. If you’re reading this post, you just went with it. Nothin’ else to do at that point.

Most of us don’t like to be in a situation where all we can say is, “Well, I’ve got no other choice.”

It’s probably a safety thing. We feel more comfortable when we’re in control. There’s less chance of a surprise that way. And unless it’s a chocolate cake kind of surprise, most of us don’t like surprises.

Because most of the time, we have no idea what’s good for us. We think we know and can very quickly list out several things that we think would make us happy but – most of the time, it would only provide temporary relief from the tainted version of ourselves that we think we are.

we tend to avoid situations that challenge our control. If we feel it slipping away, we make adjustments.

Sometimes, we see things that lure us into situations that we can’t control. The perceived attraction outweighs the loss of control.

When we’re born, the beginning of God’s plan for our life kicks into action.

1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.