Believability lies not in one’s ability to perceive and agree but rather to perceive and trust.

Proverbs 11:13

My Papaw used to say, “If I tell you a chicken dips snuff, then you can look under its wing for the can.”

Basically, my Papaw was telling me that I could trust him. Not only was I confident in his love for me and through that love, he would always tell me the truth, but my life experiences with him proved it as well.

That’s the thing with trustworthy people… they value their word. They’ll go to great lengths (like catching a chicken and showing me the can) to insure their words are accurate and delivered clearly. It’s important to them.

Other people? Not so much.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. question-of-the-day is not about other people, it’s about us.

Why are we so eager to believe things that we agree with or want to hear?

Well, it’s one of two reasons and neither one is good… Either we’re too lazy to search for truth or we’re so enamored with validating our own beliefs that we shun logic and proof so that we can feel better about ourselves.

Of course, this is nothing new to God.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse finds King Solomon giving advice on a host of topics related to trust, righteousness, and character.

The world is full of people who speak Big Words yet live a Tiny Life. To them, it’s more important that you believe what they say than it is for you to know the truth. They take pleasure in manipulation and profit from distortion, all to push their agenda forward.

Today, King Solomon would be a busy man writing about these people.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray for the desire for truth and the ability to discern a forked tongue from that of a trustworthy person. As God gives you strength, you’ll live a Big Life based on truth. The need to feed our selfish and haughty spirit will become less as our pursuit of truth moves to the forefront.

In closing, I’d like to ask a favor… If you ever have an opportunity to look under a chicken’s wing in search of its snuff can, go ahead and pluck it. Then, give me a call… I’ll bring the Buffalo Sauce.

Proverbs 11:13

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.