What your spirit leaves behind is more important than what your body came with.

Genesis 21:12

If I say “B.Y.O.B.”, what do you think of?

Yeah, me too… which brings up a point.

Generally speaking, people are like that common phrase that’s sent out on party invitations… They’re more interested in what you’re bringing to the table than what you’re leaving at the table.

As a Christian, our life should be concerned with both.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is from the account of Abraham, who was at a festival celebration marking the day that his son, Isaac, was weaned. It was a joyous occasion but Abraham was troubled because his wife, Sarah, told him to get rid of his other son, Ishmael, who was born of Abraham and her own Egyptian slave, Hagar. Sarah didn’t want Ishmael to share in an Isaac’s inheritance.

Knowing that Abraham was distressed, God told Abraham that He would make both sons leaders of great nations. He gave Abraham comfort.

As I read this account in the Bible, I’m struck by the similarities of the situation and those that we find in our own lives today. That’s not to say that we have an exact situation like that… After all, how many of us are having children when we’re a hundred years old!

But, we do have very complex problems. We have stresses that push us far away from God. We worry about things and try to figure out how we are going to fix them.

And meanwhile, none of this is a surprise to God.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. “AHA!” moment is this: Trust God’s plans. He knows about your “Isaac” and “Ishmael” fears. Pray for confidence in His promise that He is working all things good for those that love Him.

And hopefully, the next party invitation that you receive that says “B.Y.O.B.” – interpret it to mean “Bring Your Own Bible”. Then, take it to the party and leave it on the table.

Genesis 21:12

But God said to him, “Do not be so distressed about the boy and your slave woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.