If you’re ever tempted to negatively classify people because of race, creed, or color; remember you’re a blankety-blank from blankety-blank.

Psalm 101:5

When it comes to physical stature, I’m not a very big person. In fact, when I was a kid, my parents thought I might be a dwarf. Although I did have a growth spurt later in life that saw me shoot up to a towering 5 feet 8 inches tall, some would consider me a “short guy”.

And just so you know, I’m from Mississippi – the state famous for pretty girls, magnolia trees, and Elvis Presley. We’re also famous for some other things that we’re not very proud of – some of which are at the heart of today’s post.

While we’re on the subject of Mississippi, my state, I understand that it’s known by some around the country as the home of “rednecks”. Personally, I take some pride in that. I know some rednecks, myself included, who are some really good people. I’d trust them with my life.

One more thing, Mississippi is famous for some of the “countriest” small towns in America. Some might call them “backwoods”, “Podunk”, or “Hicksville”.

I could probably go on and on but, back to the “blankety-blank”…

So, if you read today’s quote and put me in it, it would read something like this:

If you’re ever tempted to negatively classify people because of race, creed, or color; remember you’re a short redneck from Podunk, Mississippi.

Get the picture?

In order to see our bothers and sisters in the way that God commands us to see them – the way He made them, you have to realize one thing:

You ain’t all that and a bag of chips!

How’s that for a trip down the 90’s memory lane?

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse finds King David making promises to God. On the heels of his predecessor, Saul, who in the end became wicked and ruled in a way that God did not approve, David is telling God that he’ll be different. He’ll please God with his actions toward His people. He’ll treat all people fairly.

I could’ve easily put in another Bible verse to accompany today’s quote. In Galatians 3:26-29, the Apostle Paul lays it out very clearly to the Galatian people, whose vision of Jesus and His calling had become blurred.

26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: We’re all nothing more than a “blankety-blank” from “blankety-blank”. No one is any better than anyone else. We’re called to treat each other in that way. So, if you have a heart that clings to prejudice of any kind, pray to be convicted – to be changed. Pray to love all people as God loves them – as His children.

On the other hand, if you think your feelings of personal superiority are justified, maybe your “blankety-blank” should be replaced by “*%(#@!^+$“.

Psalm 101:5

Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor,
Him I will destroy;
The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart,
Him I will not endure.