What’s on your mind needs governance but what’s in your heart needs to be shared.

Proverbs 4:23

What’s the main difference between the heart and the mind?

Let’s put it this way…

If you let your mind control your heart, you’d marry someone who can fix your car or cook your meals but love and romance would have to stay outside with the Labradoodle.

Why is that?

Because our brain is very cold and calculating. It’s an analytical organ. Everything in there, and there’s a lot of stuff in there, has to fire in perfect order for things to come out right. When it looks at things, it sees them rationally and logically.

Our heart, on the other hand, pumps blood for a living. It knows what life is all about. It sees needs and wants to fill them. When it sees things, it sees them emotionally – with feelings.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is from a chapter in the Bible that is chock-full of biblical nuggets that appeal to both your heart and mind.

In today’s verse, King Solomon is telling his son to govern what he sees and hears because his heart can be easily influenced to share evil rather than good.

What he’s basically saying is that the mind will process the inputs (sight and sound) and sometimes reach a less than ideal solution. Without governance, your heart will become hardened to the things that God wants us to see.

While today’s post might seem as though I’m disrespecting the mind and showing all the love to the heart, that’s neither the goal nor the meaning behind today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. quote.

It’s really about balance.

And only God can give that.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray to have God use your heart and mind as they were intended. Pray to see God’s children through His eyes rather than our own. Pray for the courage to share what’s on your heart and to use what’s on your mind constructively, for His kingdom. Pray for compassion to see the need rather than the reason for the need.

And the next time that you’re loved one is in the backyard with the labradoodle, have a heart…

Give ’em a bowl of warm milk and scratch their belly!

Proverbs 4:23

23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.