It’s not a matter of “if” you’ll get knocked down, it’s a matter of learning why you got knocked down and then making the proper adjustments.

Psalm 20:7-9

When you were a kid, did scraped knees stop you from learning how to ride a bicycle?

Probably not.


Because you wanted to ride a bicycle. It was more important than anything else (at the time).

Sure, you might have cried a lot after falling off. And, you might have even said that you’d never get back on that bicycle again.

But you did.

And then, something awesome happened…

You figured out that when the bicycle started wobbling and going crazy to the left and the right, you needed to shift your weight, just a little bit, to regain your balance.

And before you knew it, you were riding like a pro when your Dad came home from work.

Life is like that.

It’s all about adjustments.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is about overcoming obstacles through faith and trust in God.

King David writes that those who trust in chariots and horses (the world) will be brought to their knees and fall. He then goes on to say that we (God’s people) will rise up and stand firm.

So, I have a question about that.

What happens before someone can rise up?

They either have to be knocked down or they’ve fallen down.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray for the strength to get back on the bicycle whenever you fall off. Pray for the courage to stand up after getting knocked to the ground by people or things in this life. Pray to have the faith to know that all things are possible for those that love God.

And, the next time you decide to go ride your bicycle, be sure to wear those pants that are specially-made for those teeny-weeny seats. Because if you don’t, you could end up getting one of those things that everyone dreads the most…

A wedgie…

Talkin’ about needin’ to make an adjustment!

Psalm 20:7-9

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 9 Lord, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call!