Time can change many things but the truth is not one of them.

Proverbs 12:19

To me, time is like a Ribeye Steak.

There’s never enough of it.

And just so I don’t exclude my Vegan friends…

Time is like Tofu.

Actually, no it isn’t… 🙁

Time tastes better.

But enough about food. Let’s talk about time.

Most people have a “love/hate” relationship with time.

On the one hand, we look forward to things in the future but we bemoan the days that’ve slipped through our fingers.

In addition to occupying our mind, time tends to change things.

On that note, let’s have some fun today in the blogosphere!

Name 5 things that change with time:

Okay, I’ll go first…

  1. Our bodies (Boo!) – this one also includes our memory…
  2. Technology (I’m gonna give that one a “Yay!”)
  3. Cost of Living (Another Boo!)
  4. Politics (Not really. Once sleazy, always sleazy.)
  5. Wine (The older, the better? I’m not buyin’ it. But then again, I prefer my grapes in soda pop.)

The list could go on and on. And, if you think about it, it’s pretty much everything you can touch and feel…

The Tiny Words. Big Life. quote is not one of those. It deals with something invisible – the one thing that never changes.

The truth.

And what is “truth”?

In the spirit of today’s post, it’s the past – it’s the time gone by where things were done, said, or seen.

And although interpretations can vary and memories can fade, the actual things (events) can never change.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is from the original book of wisdom, aka Proverbs. King Solomon penned this insightful verse to tell his son that honesty matters. Lying, on the other hand, is of no lasting value. You might say those words are “hollow” and they will vanish like a vapor.

On the subject of time and truth, this Blogmeister believes without a doubt, and will strongly urge you to do so, that reading God’s word in the Holy Bible is the most important thing you can do. His word will never change and His promises will always be kept.

In a world where nothing stays the same, this is crucial to living a life of truth.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray to love the truth. Pray to see the truth through the lens of the righteousness of God’s word. Pray to study the word of God and apply the lessons of truth to your own life. And give thanks to God for using ordinary men and women to document His words.

And now, let’s get back to the food.

So, the next time you’re in the supermarket and you can’t decide between a package of Tofu and a perfectly-marbled Ribeye steak, you might want to give me a call.

I’ll let you in on a little truth

Tofu doesn’t taste like chicken!

Proverbs 12:19

19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.