Most friends come and go like a sunny day but a precious few remain in the middle of a storm.

Proverbs 18:24

What do you think when you see someone carrying an umbrella on a sunny day?


Or, maybe they’re one of those people who’s always prepared for everything?


Or, it could be that they have sensitive skin?

Regardless, it’s something of an odd thing to see.

So what makes a good friend?

That very simple question is very difficult to answer.

I say that because I’m not really sure what kind of a friend I am.

Sure, I have friends but I get so busy and pre-occupied with my own life (or that of my family), that I rarely have time (or make the time) to catch up with people that are outside that “circle”.

But we all have that friend who always makes time to stay in touch.

And it’s not really that difficult to do – but it is something you have to actually do.

That means it requires effort.

Therein lies the rub.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse was penned by King Solomon, with divine inspiration from the friend of all friends, God himself.

King Solomon uses some very strong language… He says that someone who has “unreliable” friends will soon come to ruin.

That makes me think… Are my friends in trouble?

So what is an unreliable friend?

Is it someone who doesn’t respond to your text messages? Or is it someone who always has an excuse when you ask for a favor? What about the friend who’s very quick to ask for help themselves but is like dust in the wind when you need some?

I’d say a “Yes” answer is in order for all of the above… except maybe the text message friend. Maybe they don’t keep their phone glued to their hand like you (I) do…

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray for the love of your friends to move you to be a better friend. Pray for the wisdom to offer good advice when called upon. Pray to be unselfish with your time and make time for others. Pray to be as good a friend to others as you want for yourself. Perhaps most importantly, pray to not be judgmental when a “friend” doesn’t respond in a manner that you wanted or expected. Unless you’re being a good friend, you really don’t know what they’re going through.

And the next time you leave your house on a sunny day, grab an umbrella to remind yourself what it means to be a good friend. And if someone looks at you crazy for carrying an umbrella on a sunny day, look up toward the sky and then open it up – like you know something they don’t.

After all, if they’re not a Christian, you do.

Jesus Christ is the only umbrella you need.

Proverbs 18:24

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


  1. jswearen on July 14, 2021 at 7:58 am

    My very best friend before Big Solid died 5 years ago after a long and difficult bout with cancer. She made the brave decision to stop all treatment(s) and ease into the Afterlife pain free…which she did. We visited her and said our goodbyes a mere two weeks before she went to sleep and woke healthy, whole, and pain free. At her request, we did a eulogy for her at her funeral. I miss her…her beauty, friendship, sense of humor, and capacity to ‘Do Epic’. If ever there was ‘that friend’, it was Mary. We should all be that lucky and be that kind of friend to others. Thanks, Ken, for giving us the chance to reflect on friends and their importance.

    • Turner Payne on July 15, 2021 at 6:12 am

      I’m honored that you would share such a beautiful memory and tribute to your “that friend”, Mary. Thank you.