Don’t live for shallow applause from strangers but rather seek deep appreciation from those you know.

Matthew 23:12

I’ve had some fancy sports cars in my day.

MG. Corvette. BMW. Mercedes Benz. Trans Am. 280-Z.

Were they fun to drive?


Did they get me from Point A to Point B?


Could I have gotten from Point A to Point B is something less fancy?

You bet.

So, why did I buy these cars?

Perhaps this story will answer that question:

So, I’m sitting at a traffic light in my Corvette… its engine rumbling with about 450 horses under the hood – waiting on a green light so I can mash the accelerator to the floor and stretch the horses legs when another car pulls up beside me.

I beam with pride as the occupants in the other car gaze at my prized possession. They marvel at its sleek lines – wishing they could own something as magnificent as my Corvette.

I can almost literally feel their envy and I’m pleased.

It’s like I’m saying, “Look at me. Look at how great I am.

So, what’s going on here?

One word.


Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being proud of something that you’ve worked hard to achieve. After all, it’s an accomplishment.

But let’s think back to the traffic light… I don’t know these people in the car beside me. In fact, I’ll more than likely never see them again. Their appreciation of my prized possession will never benefit me or them in any way.

So why does it matter? Why do we yearn for the appreciation of people that we don’t even know.


Is it really a bad thing?

Well, the issue with pride is not the fact that we have it but rather the reason we have it. If you’re working to please and impress others, then your motivation is misplaced. Pride has taken over.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse, Jesus tells us to be humble – to not place ourselves above others. There’s also a warning… those that exalt themselves (pride) will be humbled and those that humble themselves will be exalted.

Coming from Jesus, those words are to be heeded.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray to give thanks to God for all blessings and possessions. Pray to be humble and generous to others. Do not selfishly gather things at the expense of serving others. Pray for a giving heart that is void of greed and pride.

And the next time I’m at a traffic light and someone in a Corvette pulls up next to me, it’ll be hard – but I probably won’t ask its driver to let me take her for a spin. After all, there’s only two seats – which ain’t enough room for the three of us… me, the other driver, and my huge ego!

Matthew 23:12

12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.