True friends patiently accept one another’s changes and look forward to the growth that changes bring.

Being a friend is a commitment.

True friendship not only weathers difficult times but it’s etched in stone.

We all change. In many ways, we’re not the same person we were 20 years ago. That can put a strain on a friendship.

Being a friend takes work.

Sometimes, a friend will cause you grief. Sometimes, it might even be intentional. Truth be known, that probably goes both ways.

Being a friend requires unselfish acts.

You can’t always have your way and remain friends with someone. Friendship is a two-way street. You have to compromise.

Being a friend cannot include jealousy.

To be a friend, you have to be genuinely happy when your friend accomplishes something or manages to buy something, even if you’ve been wanting it too.

Finally, you can’t love yourself more than your friend. That’s really the main point in today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse.

Bearing with one another in love.

One final question… Are you a true friend of Jesus? Have you been doing all the taking in the relationship? Is it all about you?

Fortunately, God is patient with us but there will come a time when your friendship with Jesus will be judged.

The last thing you want to hear is, “I never knew you.”

Ephesians 4 : 2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.