A hearse is not equipped with a transmission capable of going in reverse.

For most people, the thought of a hearse elicits an unsettling visual image inside our head. If words are associated with the image, they generally mean something like “The End”. In other words, there’s no more second chances. We’re at the end of the road.

As a Christian, even though we know the victory has been won–death has been conquered, I think most would agree that we’re not ready to go “right now”.

So, we push it out of our mind as fast as we can. We don’t want to see the hearse.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. post; however, encourages you to linger on the thought and image of a hearse. Take a good, long look at it. It’s an odd looking vehicle… sort of a cross between a station wagon like my Mom used to drive and an SUV. The only difference is that this SUV is not meant to carry the whole soccer team. It’s a compartment for one–the one that rarely wants to be there.

So, there you are… you’re thinking about the hearse. It’s long and black, usually. And it’s got a lot of chrome… very fancy. There are curtains that cover the windows, not because the occupant wants to see outside but rather because no one can, or even wants to, see inside. Inside, it looks like a normal vehicle. There’s a steering wheel, a gas pedal, maybe even a radio, if you want one last rendition of “Ain’t going down ’til the sun comes up!“… or something else? 🙂

Now look at the dashboard. Do you see a normal transmission with a “D” for Drive, “N” for Neutral, and a “R” for Reverse? Probably so. But rest assured, the “R” for Reverse can only be used for backing the hearse into it’s parking spot back at the funeral home. Once you reach your spiritual destination, you can forget about the “R”.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. recommendation is to not wait until you reach your spiritual destination to begin trying to find the “R”. In fact, let’s go ahead and say the “R” no longer stands for “Reverse” but rather, “Repent”.

Do it now. God sent Jesus Christ as an atonement for our sins. He died for you and for me. So, slam your life in “R” and Repent before it’s too late.

Ecclesiastes 7 : 2

It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart.