Pain is the fuel for the lantern of wisdom.

Everything needs a source of fuel to work.

Tiny Words. Big Life. has talked before about wisdom. It’s safe to say that everyone wants to have it. Life is just so much more full and meaningful when we’re wise.

Wisdom is most often gained by experience. Sure, we can read about things and make some assumptions. We can then project what we feel to be wise based on that. Or, we can listen to someone talk about what they think are wise things and pick up some wisdom that way. Additionally, we can see things happening to others, perhaps things that we don’t want to happen to ourselves, and gather some wisdom that way.

But nothing gains wisdom like pain.

Of course, I’m not talking about “cut yourself with a knife” kind of pain. This is not about stepping on a pinecone while walking in the yard barefooted (although you would be wise to not walk in your yard barefooted if there’s a lot of pinecones on the ground!).

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. post is about emotional pain. The kind that teaches you a lesson.

When we hurt inside, our mind and spirit burn an image of the pain and store it for recall if needed. The mind and spirit then combine with the logic mechanism in our brain to evaluate the pros and cons of our decisions that led up to the pain. Then, our marvelous God-given brain makes an assessment of the situation and connects the dots to a multitude of scenarios where repeating those circumstances will either hurt us or help us.

What your brain has just done is create the necessary electro-magnetic pathways to build wisdom.

Wow! Doesn’t that feel better knowing all of that?

But… there’s always a “but”, any wisdom that we gain can only be put to its best use with the help of God.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. “AHA!” moment is this: Through prayer, God can turn wisdom into a powerful tool to advance your own Christian walk and your relationships, as well as His Kingdom here on earth.

And how does He do that? Why does He do that?


When we use wisdom in a way that makes our relationships stronger, we are showing God’s love for those that benefit from it. We don’t use wisdom to make ourselves look better, we use it help others – and that’s love.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse, we read from Job Chapter 28. Although we’re looking at only three verses, I strongly encourage you to read the entire chapter. It’s a very moving and beautifully written poem that describes the value of wisdom and its precious nature.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Seek wisdom out of love. It’s not something to make yourself look better in the eyes of others. God wants to give us wisdom and in turn, He wants you to use it to further His kingdom on earth.

So, go ahead and light your lantern! Make it big and bright! It’s the wise thing to do!

Job 28:19-21

19 The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it;
    it cannot be bought with pure gold.
20 Where then does wisdom come from?
    Where does understanding dwell?
21 It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing,
    concealed even from the birds in the sky.