If a life is lived in “the blink of an eye”, a day is lived in “the blink of a blink”.

Psalm 144:4

Did you know that we blink our eyes on average about 29,000 times every day?

I didn’t… until I Googled it. (All of a sudden, my eyes are getting heavy…)

Suffice to say, if something happens in the “blink of eye”, more than likely, you’re gonna miss it.

Too many of us treat our life that way.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verses, King David is praying to God, asking for His protection from the perils of life. He also asks God an interesting question, “What are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them?” He then adds a comment about humanity in general, “They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.

He’s basically saying that our lives come and go in the “blink of an eye”. In other words, “POOF!”

I think we all get the analogy. It’s here one day and gone the next.

But what about the opposite of “POOF!”?


As humans, it’s an impossible concept to fully grasp.

Sure, we can think that we get it. It’s forever. It never ends. That sounds simple enough.

But put yourself there.

Gone is the fear of tomorrow. Gone is the anxiousness about being late for something important. Time literally stands still – so much so that time doesn’t exist. The here and now is the same thing as that which is yet to come.

Our lives are nothing like that. We’re vapor on a windy day. We’re smoke that rises and disappears in the clouds. We blink and it’s gone.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Live each moment in the feeling of living. Smell the flowers. See the leaves on trees as the wind blows through the branches. Listen to the laughter of your children. Soak in the pain of a difficult circumstance.

They’re all life and they’re all worthy of appreciation.

So remember this and live your life accordingly…

“I wish I had spent more time at the office,” said no one ever on their death bed.

And finally… don’t forget to show some love to your eyelids… They’re the probably the hardest working and fittest muscle you’ve got! After all, they’re basically doing 29,000 sit-ups every day!

Now if I could only figure out how to get my other muscle groups in on the action…

Psalm 144:4

They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.