Change is life’s way of pinching you to remind you that you’re breathing.

1 Samuel 10:9

I remember being in church as a kid and my mother would pinch my leg if I got too rowdy on the pew.

It was her way of reminding me that I need to change.

It worked.

Life can sometimes be like my momma on the church pew…


Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse finds Samuel anointing Saul as Israel’s new king. During that time, Israel had no precedence or “royal protocol” in selecting kings. There was also great division among the people over what should be done.

But one thing was for sure…

Change is coming.

As a side note about 1 Samuel 10:9, which shows how God can and will change hearts, it’s 1 Samuel 10:6 that sets it up.

The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.

To me personally, as God has used that very verse to minister to me in times of trouble, that’s the verse in 1 Samuel that’s most inspiring.

“You will be changed into a different person.”

Can you think of a more glorious promise than that?

Not only will God pinch you on the pew when you’re misbehaving, but he’ll use your obedience to change you into something you’re not… into something you can never be on your own.

Holy. Pure. Forgiven. Saved.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Be thankful for all the pinches in life. Pray to be reminded that this wonderful life that God has blessed us with is to be lived and cherished. The toils of the day will quickly pass but God’s love for us and our decision to accept Jesus Christ as Savior will last forever. He has made a place for us and nothing can take that away.

In closing, when you find yourself facing challenges in life and your momma is gonna pinch you to straighten you up, I found that wearing a thicker pair of pants made my time on the pew a little less painful.

1 Samuel 10:9

As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day.