Chasing dreams is cardiovascular exercise for the spirit.

1 Timothy 4:8

Question: What does physical exercise have in common with doing your taxes?

Answer: I do it once a year.

What about daydreaming?

I do it about once a minute.

Having a dream to chase is important. It gives us something to look forward to… something to strive for.

It can be about anything… a new car or a house, a vacation, a new relationship.

The “what” is not as important as the “it”.

BLOGMEISTER NOTE: If you follow this blog, we’ve talked before about the dangers of selling out to material things. In that context, we’re talking about living for those things – elevating them to a place in your life where they’re the most important thing. When that happens, you’re chasing idols. The Bible is very clear about the pitfalls of doing that. That kind of dreaming is not good.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse compares physical training (exercise) and spiritual training (godliness). While it does give some kudos to physical training by saying it has some value, Timothy also says that spiritual training is far more beneficial by helping you in the present life and the life to come.

Basically, he’s saying you’re better off praying and reading your Bible than lifting weights and running marathons.

That’s not to say there isn’t any benefit to physical exercise because there obviously is. When we do it, our mind and body responds with increased strength, stamina, and mental well-being.

The same thing goes for spiritual exercise.

When our spiritual muscles get consistent workouts, following the will of God becomes our dream and that’s the thing we chase more than anything else. We become more focused on doing the things that He wants us to do.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray to be more diligent in your spiritual exercise such as Bible reading, praying, and being more obedient. Pray to be used by God.

And just like physical exercise… “get off the couch” and do it!

But before we close for today, I have one more question about exercise…

If the Chicken Wing is big enough, does that count as a dumbbell curl?

1 Timothy 4:8

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.


  1. Jackie Slay on May 3, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Love that verse in 1 Timothy. Don’t know about the chicken wing and dumbbell curl!!