There are all kinds of people but there’s only one kind of person and he was made by God.

Genesis 2:7

Tall. Short. Fat. Thin.

Black. White. Red. Yellow.

Generally speaking, when we describe someone to another person, we’ll use one or more of those words.


Because they describe what someone looks like on the outside.

God uses only a single word…


After all, we were made in His image and He is perfect.

But we don’t live like perfection… That’s because we’ve fallen from Him – through sin.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is one of those foundational verses that can leave you in awe of the Living God – the one who actually made us.

Stop for moment and think about it…

Can you imagine, the Creator of the World, taking dust on the ground and forming it into a likeness of His own image, and then breathing life into it?

Take another minute…

Now, let’s think of something that takes the “aweness” (not a real word but I can’t think of anything else) to the next level…

God, our Creator, wants to have a personal relationship with us, through His son, Jesus Christ.

Is there anything more wonderful, marvelous, and remarkable than that?

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray to see people as God sees them. Sure, the descriptive words will always be there but we must desire to see God’s children, which is all of us, as brothers and sisters. Pray to be filled with love and compassion for all people. Pray to live our lives treating others as God would have us do.

So, here’s a Tiny Words. Big Life. challenge:

The next time you look at a person, try to think of Neapolitan Ice Cream. There’s chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. While they each taste indescribably phenomenal on their own, they’re much better when eaten together.

On that, I’ll close today’s post because a small container in the freezer is calling my name.

Genesis 2:7

Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.