Boasting about giving a gift is not a gift but rather the price of admission for self-adulation.

We love for people to know that we did something special for them–like buying them a gift. If you think about it, this begs the question whether the gift was for them, or for us?

Our egos are sometimes very fragile. If we don’t get the recognition that we think we deserve, somebody’s gonna pay. We worked hard to pick that out and by golly, you’re gonna know about it.

The recipient, on the other hand, wants to know who gave a particular gift. So we oblige and tell them how great we were to select it. That’s it, right.

Not hardly. Pride will make us do some very evil things.

“Self adulation” is not a word or phrase I use very often but it seemed to fit the gist of todays Tiny Words. Big Life. post. It almost sounds painful. Something like, “Today, I got adulated!” OUCH!

If you look forward to having people know you did something for them more than you look forward to the recipient being happy with what you did, you probably need some un-adulating.

You might say, “Well they got the gift. What’s wrong with getting a little recognition?”

Nothing. Remember, you said, “a little.”

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. recommendation is to step out of your own aura. Things are not always about us. (Keep in mind the same finger I’m pointing from the computer screen is pointing at this blogmeister also.)

Find joy in giving joy. There you’ll find true and lasting joy. Anything else is just getting yourself adulated, whatever that is…

Proverbs 11 : 2

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.