The sharp pain of confronting a fear is always less than the constant pain of living with it.

Which is worse, pain or fear?

Well, neither one is good. They’re not something you’d say, “Hey, give me a double dose of both of them.”

In short, we don’t like them.

In today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. post, we’re suggesting that fear is painful. Does that mean it makes you go “Ouch!”

No, you can’t hear it but you can feel it.

Fear creates anxiety and anxiety creates indecision. And you guessed it, indecision creates a less-fruitful life. And a less-fruitful life creates a life with less meaning for you and those you love.

So, it’s a real thing.

Today’s Tiny Words. Big Life. Bible verse is one of the most well-known verses in the Bible. Aside from the reference to fear, which is the main topic of today’s post, the most important sub-topic is God’s presence as you face your fear.

Carrying around a fear will wear you down. The longer you carry it, the heavier the fear becomes. In many cases, not only does that make it more difficult to face, the effect of the fear increases, making the pain greater and greater.

The Tiny Words. Big Life. takeaway is this: Pray for deliverance from fear. Pray specifically for the thing that’s causing the fear. Ask God to remove it or give you the strength to deal with it. He will transform the fear into a strength, giving you the ability to share your experience with others.

So crawl out of the corners where fear has forced your retreat. Confront your fear with confidence that God will be with you every step of the way. He doesn’t promise that it’ll never hurt, but He does promise that if you trust in Him, the fear will no longer cripple you.

And remember, God made us to be strong, not timid. Rest on His promises!

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.